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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information that is collected on the ADF FOODS (USA) websites, how we mutually benefit from such information, how we may use that information and with whom we may share the same. The Privacy Policy also describes the measures we take to protect the security of this information as well as how you can access, modify or delete your personal information at any time. It also explains how you can object to the processing of your personal information or to receiving communications about our products and services.

This policy applies to information we collect:
• On this Website.
• In email, text, and other electronic messages between you and this Website.
• When you interact with our advertising and applications on third-party websites and
services, if those applications or advertising include links to this website.

Note: Our privacy policy may change at any time without notice. To make sure you are aware of any changes, kindly review this policy periodically.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS:

ADF FOODS (USA) limits itself to collect information in order to ensure accurate service. Most of the information we collect is very basic and is needed to complete a purchase or provide a refund. Examples of customer information that may be collected by us include your name, gender, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, descriptions of the items requested or purchased, computer or mobile device you use to access our Website and online activity usage details. We may automatically track certain information about you based upon your behaviour on our site. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties. We use this information to do internal research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand, protect and serve our users. This information is compiled and analysed on an aggregated basis.

ADF FOODS (USA) does not collect or store Credit Card or Debit Card or any of your banking information as it is directly transmitted through the payment gateway provider to the payment network or bank.

• To present our Website and its contents to you.
• To provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us.
• To fulfil any other purpose for which you provide it.
• To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection.
• To notify you about changes to our Website or any products or services we offer or provide through it.
• To allow you to participate in interactive features on our Website.
• In any other way we may describe when you provide the information.

• Marketing Emails: In case you choose to leave your email address with us we would deliver to you information through emails such as our newsletters, surveys or other email messages containing product and event information or promotions. If at any time you decide that you would not like to receive these emails, you may select the ‘Unsubscribe’ link on the email or edit your information and consent to receive email and other communication in the ‘Profile’ section for registered users.
• Text Messages: If you have chosen to leave your mobile phone number with us, you may receive text message/SMS alerts containing product and event information or promotions on your mobile phone. Please note that we will never send you any unsolicited text message on your mobile phone. ADF FOODS (USA) does not charge any fee for you to receive any text message from us. However, your mobile service provider may charge you for sending and/or receiving text messages and air-time, as well as any other standard applicable rates charged by your mobile service provider.
• Telephone Calls: If you have chosen to leave your mobile phone number or landline number on our website, you may receive phone calls containing product and event information and promotions on your mobile phone or landline phone.
• Customised Service: We may use your personal information you have chosen to give us to provide you with customised service and use of our website. For example, we may suggest products that would be of particular interest to you. Such customised information may be conveyed to you by way of emails or text messages and/or phone calls.
• Special Events, Questionnaires and Surveys: On occasion, ADF Foods (USA) may sponsor special events (such as contests, promotions or other offerings), questionnaires and surveys. There may be specific rules applicable to these promotions that explain how any personal information you provide will be processed. We strongly suggest you review any applicable rules before participating. To the extent any special event, questionnaire or survey is not subject to specific rules, the processing of personal information is governed by this Privacy Policy and the purposes it sets forth.

Our web site may contain links to other web sites which are outside our control and are, therefore, not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours.

A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive of your computer. You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our Website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our Website.

I. We may share personal information with our other corporate entities and affiliates who may use the said information in accordance with this policy to: help detect and prevent identity theft, fraud and other potentially illegal acts; correlate related or multiple accounts to prevent abuse of our services; and to facilitate joint or co-branded services that you request where such services are provided by more than one corporate entity.
II. We may retain other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf and advise them to be consistent with this Privacy Policy. Examples include web store management companies, order processing companies, courier companies, data analysis firms, customer support specialists, email vendors, web-hosting companies and fulfilment companies (e.g., companies that coordinate mailings). Such third parties may be provided with access to personal information needed to perform their functions. Though security of your information is important to us we cannot guarantee that such third parties use such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
III. We may also use and disclose information in the aggregate (so that no individual customers are identified) for marketing programs, advertisers, and partners. We may display targeted advertisements based on personal information. We do not provide any individual personal information to the advertiser when you interact with or view a targeted advertisement . Advertisers may, however, assume that people who interact with, view, or click targeted advertisements meet the targeting criteria—for example, women ages 18-24 from a particular geographic area.
IV. In addition, in some instances, you may be offered the opportunity to consent to the sharing of your information with a third party such as an event or promotion co-sponsor. If you consent, we will share your information with such third party and the information you provide may be used by such third party for their own purposes and in accordance with their own policies.
V. We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to any court orders, or other legal process. We may disclose personal information to law enforcement offices, third party rights owners, or others in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce our Terms or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users or the general public.

We and our affiliates will share / sell some or all of your personal information with another business entity should we (or our assets) plan to merge with, or be acquired by that business entity. If such a transaction were to occur then the other business entity (or the new combined entity) will be required to follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information.

ADF FOODS (USA), affiliates and third parties who may receive your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the databases in which your personal information is stored shall be located in USA and are required to honor the privacy representations made in this Privacy Policy under applicable laws of this country. In case of transfer of data to any other country, legal protections applicable to personal information in the concerned country will apply.

We have put in place reasonable measures to protect the personal information contained in our databases. Measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access and maintain appropriate use and accuracy. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Website.

We provide all users with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving non-essential (promotional, marketing-related) communications from us on behalf of our partners, and from us in general, after setting up an account.

By mere use of the website, you expressly consent to our collection and use and disclosure of your personal information, including but not limited to your consent for sharing your information as per this privacy policy, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.